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Disney's Magic Bake Off - A Dream Come True
By: Nivaaz Dhillon I am going to be on Disney+! This Friday, August 27th, during Disney's first-ever National Princess Week, my friend...

Representation Matters
In my last post, I wrote about the Disney Ice Cream truck event. Little did I know, something super exciting would happen the following...

The 6 Hour Drive to an Ice Cream Truck
You read that title right! This might be one of the most spontaneous things I have ever done! Here's how it went down: After hearing...
Nivaaz's Blog

Catching up with Nivaaz
Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog, it's been a while but I wanted to update you on some of the things that i’ve been up to in the last...

The Story of a Cake
It may just seem like a cake at first glance, but the cake that the BaKaurs made for Disney's Magic Bake-Off has a full story behind it....

Why "BaKaurs"?
So many people have been asking me questions about Disney’s Magic Bake- Off, but one question in particular stands out, “Why BaKaurs?” so...
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